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How do we get from Today to Tomorrow for DMC Education/Rec Sub-district ?

 Impact Lvl 1: Economic Development
Last modified: April 23, 2016




Who is in charge of planning and building out the Education/Recreation (UMR/Recreation) space? Is it UMR, Rochester Area Family Y (which is undertaking a strategic market study),  or some other entity?  The attached PB article would imply no one seems to be. How about DMC, Rochester City and Olmsted County leaders sponsor an ER advisory group? 

This suggestion was brought forward to DMCC board in its 4/18/2016 meeting. 




Who is in charge of planning and building out the Education/Recreation (UMR/Recreation) space? Is it UMR, Rochester Area Family Y (which is undertaking a strategic market study),  or some other entity?  The attached PB article would imply no one seems to be.













The advisory group should be similar to the one being formed for Heart of Downtown. Beyond UMR's future expansion and Mayo's staffing needs, the advisory group should also consider the recreation and healthy living needs of all Rochester community members which the Y aims to serve.


Here is an idea:

How about DMC, Rochester City and Olmsted County leaders sponsor an Education/Recreation Subdistrict advisory group? 

The advisory group should be similar to the one being formed for Heart of City. Beyond UMR's future expansion and Mayo's staffing needs, the advisory group should also consider the recreation and healthy living needs of all Rochester community members which the Y aims to serve.

As UMR has the strategy to leverage partners to build out its campus requirements, the Y also is doing a market study to analyze its future investment strategy.

We cannot afford to go on separate divergent paths and risking not optimizing how this important space should be used for education and recreation for all community members.





April DMCC Board Meeting


The advisory committee suggestion was brought forward by Al Lun to DMCC board in its 4/18/2016 meeting . 



Al Lun public comment at 9 min mark of the video.  


PB Article March, 2016

Recreation melts 3 major players together in one area

 March 25, 2016 PB Report

The UMR/Recreational district sits at the southernmost edge of the DMC plan and includes Soldiers Field Memorial Park, the Rochester Area YMCA and the future site of the University of Minnesota Rochester's community campus.

The proposed site for UMR's community campus includes three properties that were purchased from the city in the last 18 months, west of First Avenue, north of the YMCA and bordered by Sixth Street to the north and Soldier's Field Park on the west. The volume of the space is about 125,000 square feet. Its proximity to Discovery Square is no accident.

DMC planners designed Discovery Square so its development will reach toward the south and the UMR campus, hoping the campus will reach north as it grows, to reinforce the educational component of Discovery Square.

Mayo Clinic Ventures

"Workforce is going to be the priority. We need skilled workers," said Jim Rogers, chairman of Mayo Clinic Ventures.

"The intersection of students and innovation and Mayo Clinic and science, it's happening right now, actually. I think it will be even more important as we build out Discovery Square," said Lisa Clarke, executive director of the DMC EDA. "All of these businesses that we hope to locate to Rochester will need talent; they prefer to hire local talent, and we have UMR right in our back door, Mayo Clinic Schools right here, RCTC, other colleges and universities in the area."


Development on that property will be determined by the university's space needs. UMR chief of staff Jay Hesley said the school is working on determining the number of students they can grow to before requiring an expansion, but they also are exploring partnerships with potential partners on that future campus.

"We're not going to wait until we need all 125,000 square feet," Hesley said. "We are really hoping that there are other partners out there that want to and see a great advantage of being located in that location and downtown and that they want to come forward, they understand the idea of a P3 process."

UMR's graduating classes have grown with each successive year, and this coming year is no different. Hesley said indications point to enrollment targets being reached and says that applications and admissions are both up from last year.

"We've stopped talking about recruiting to UMR. The reality is, we're recruiting students to the health sciences industry. To the health-care industry. That's really, ultimately, what we're doing," Hesley said.

The school graduated 109 students in the 2014-2015 academic year and have produced more than 175 graduates in the past three years. More than 50 of them came back for a recent alumni event, and Hesley said he notices more alumni interest in returning to Rochester after graduate school.

"The numbers are very clear that students tend to get their first job and tend to really gravitate toward where they went to college," he said.

Hesley also said UMR is integrated into the community and it will continue to integrate by maintaining positive relationships with property owners in the area, like the YMCA, another player in that district.

Rochester Area Family Y

"Our Mission and our programs align quite well with the DMC objectives," said Patrick Keane, a volunteer member of the local YMCA board of directors and the board chairman since 2014. "The YMCA provides the infrastructure for the community with special emphasis on having our doors open for all with the Open Doors Scholarship program and improved healthy living habits that are incorporated in our programs for youth and families."

The YMCA has operated in its location for more than 50 years and, Keane said, loves it. He said the location and partnership with city parks are critical to Summer Day Camps, state licensed Y-Tots preschool and youth sports.

The building is showing its age, though, and they are currently assessing the facility. The board completed a community needs assessment and a facility analysis of the present facility, and later this month, it will conduct a market study analysis. Once the results are in, it will create plans moving forward. At the organization's annual meeting presentation on March 29, the board will talk more about what lies ahead for the organization.











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  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
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  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
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