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COVID-19 Impact Study Olmsted County, MN

In early 2021, Olmsted County Public Health Services partnered with Mayo Clinic and the Community Health Assessment and Planning (CHAP) process to administer both mailed and convenience COVID-19 Impact Survey questionnaires. The goal of the survey was to assess the impacts of COVID-19, with a focus on the three previously identified Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) priorities of financial stress, mental health, and substance use. The Olmsted County COVID-19 Impact survey provides a glimpse of the toll that the pandemic has taken on our community. Much like the entire nation, more adults are reporting being financially stressed and having poor mental health. Here in Olmsted County, we see these changes connected to an increase in substance use. Additionally, the survey data provides insight into disparities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. This glimpse should be used in accompaniment with community experience and data to best identify steps in recovery.

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Project Impact(s): Health, Pandemic, TBD

This project is in Available Phase

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Collaborators, Project Type, Impacts, Related Projects


Lead Organization: Olmsted County Public Health Services; Mayo Clinic

Contact: Derrick Fritz ; Email: ; Phone: 507.990.4969

Known/Likely Collaborators: Mayo Clinic ; Olmsted County Public Health Services ; Olmsted Medical Center

Potential Collaborators: Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC)

Related Projects

Community Health Assessment Process


Major Impact:  COVID-19

PlanScape Impacts :

Level 1: Health, Pandemic, TBD

Level 2:

DMC Impacts:

Community Health Impacts:


Type of Project




Detailed Description

Covid Impact Survey Report





COVID-19 Related Event(s) => LINK

Other Community News and Reports having impacts on:

Health, Pandemic, TBD
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April 22, 2024: Credible Mind and Collective Impact
Introducing Credible Mind to support CHNA collaboration. 

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March 20, 2024: NIH Community Engagement Alliance Consultative Resource

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February 21, 2024: Mayo Clinic Bold Forward Unbound
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Video Mayo CEO

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November 15, 2023: Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation


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November 10, 2023: CMRC Community Health Collaboraton Portal Application to Mayo Social Impact Grant
1. CMRC proposal was not selected for funding 2023-11-10 but it did receive strong consideration from Mayo social impact review panel. 

2. Community Health Collaboration Portal has been selected to second round and pitched to Mayo panel 2023-10-24. Pitch format to follow Mayo Clinic's Walleye Tank style. 

3. August CMRC meeting video recording

4. CMRC Coalition's submission to Mayo Social Innovation Grant: Proposal details and letters of support.

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November 01, 2023: CMR Outreach to community organizations to take up NIH Build Up Trust Grant

1. 2023-11-01 CMRC Convening a Checkpoint Meeting to gauge collaboration interests.

2. 2023-10-12 One Olmstead to take a lead;

3. Updates with CMRC,

4.  More info from NIH

5. Outreaches to Mayo, UMR and Olmsted County Public Health. 

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October 10, 2023: Food, health and culture intersections: Community-Led, Health Equity Structural Intervention Initiative
1. NIH Announcing Awardees  2. Video Clip from CMRC August Meeting; 3. Scoring results from NIH;  4. Interim Status to  CMRC and grant supporters.

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Last modified by support on 2021/09/05
Created by support on 2021/07/02




Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

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