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Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) MOU

 Impact Lvl 1: Children & Youth ; Recreation & Open Space
Last modified: September 27, 2016




Y Board agreed to to sign the non-binding MOU: the parties agree to make their best efforts on a collaborative, non-binding basis to jointly evaluate the development of the DMC zone referred to as UMR and Recreation.




The Rochester Area Family Y board voted Monday to consider the possibility of collaborating with the University of Minnesota Rochester and other institutions on shared space in the Destination Medical Center zone.


PB Article 2016-09-27

The Rochester Area Family Y board voted Monday to consider the possibility of collaborating with the University of Minnesota Rochester and other institutions on shared space in the Destination Medical Center zone.

The board voted to sign a non-binding memorandum of understanding to explore the feasibility of a "joint commitment" involving UMR, the Children's Museum of Minnesota in Rochester and the Rochester Public Library, according to Steve Courts, the Y's executive director and CEO.

The memorandum was the result of an informal, ad hoc group that brought the four organizations together to talk about the possibility of shared space in the "UMR and Recreation" zone.

The agreement, which the organizations can exit at any time, "envisions this zone as a year-round destination that aligns to the vision for a healthy and inclusive community that supports education, recreation, civic and community engagement, economic development, tourism and entertainment."

It calls for the organizations to "explore the co-location of a mix of services and products" and to "discuss space access and the potential for sharing space to reduce our space burden." All four institutions are dealing with the need for new and expanded facilities.

The library board voted last week not to sign the document, though said it was open to discussions about co-location. The library last year proposed a $55 million expansion on its current site, but it's unclear whether funding will be available.

The Children's Museum board is to take up the issue of whether to sign the memo on Thursday; it's not clear when or whether UMR will consider it.









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Who is in charge of planning and building out the Education/Recreation (UMR/Recreation) space? Is it UMR, Rochester Area Family Y (which is undertaking a strategic market study),  or some other entity?  The attached PB article would imply no one seems to be. How about DMC, Rochester City and Olmsted County leaders sponsor an ER advisory group? 

This suggestion was brought forward to DMCC board in its 4/18/2016 meeting. 

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Pinned TBD organization and project reports

. Project Report of Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) : February 25, 2023 : Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district)
Impact Lvl1: Housing, Recreation & Open Space
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Developer sees 220 units and greenspace at former YMCA site

Project Report of Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) : October 16, 2019 : Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district)
Impact Lvl1: Children & Youth, Recreation & Open Space
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UMR/Y Joint Request for Proposal.

Project Report of Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) : February 17, 2019 : Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) 2019 DMCC
Impact Lvl1: Children & Youth, Recreation & Open Space
Impact Lvl2:

The DMC EDA, City of Rochester and UMR will begin discussions about future sub-district development. 

Project Report of Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) : April 23, 2016 : How do we get from Today to Tomorrow for DMC Education/Rec Sub-district ?
Impact Lvl1: Economic Development
Impact Lvl2:

Who is in charge of planning and building out the Education/Recreation (UMR/Recreation) space? Is it UMR, Rochester Area Family Y (which is undertaking a strategic market study),  or some other entity?  The attached PB article would imply no one seems to be. How about DMC, Rochester City and Olmsted County leaders sponsor an ER advisory group? 

This suggestion was brought forward to DMCC board in its 4/18/2016 meeting. 

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  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
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  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
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