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DEED: Digital Opportunity Plan

 Impact Lvl 1: Aging ; Best Practice ; Caring Relationship ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Funding ; Health ; OpenBeam ; Technology Enablement
Public Pinned Report on Partcipation in DEED's Digital Opportunity Plan led by OpenBeam
Last modified: August 22, 2023




Presentation Slides; Instructions to submit comments, Draft Digital Opportunity Plan; Public Comment Sessions--Family Service Rochester will be hosting one of the public comment sessions 



Message from Dave Beal, FSR, 2023-08-22





 As reported earlier, AFOC formed digital connection committee in March. We were awarded a digital inclusion information project grant and completed a digital inclusion information project in June.

Our stakeholder partners included 125 Live, Age Friendly Oronoco, Elder Network, Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association, and Rochester Public Library.

Yesterday, the state released its draft Digital Opportunity Plan. (Copy attached.)

 Family Service Rochester will be hosting one of the public comment sessions on September 6th, 3:30pm – 5:30pm at our main office 4600 18th Ave NW. There are also two virtual sessions scheduled. (Flyer attached.)


 Dave Beal

Age Friendly Olmsted County

Family Service Rochester

1625 Hwy 14 East

Rochester, MN  55904




Public Comment Sessions


In person session


September 6th, 3:30pm – 5:30pm at Family Service Rochester Main Office 4600 18th Ave NW. 


Virtual Sessions


September 14, 12-1:30pm Registration

September 27, 2-3:30pm Registration


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MN DEED Digital


Message from Megan Moudry Digital Equity Grants Administrator

Thank you for attending the Rochester, Minnesota Digital Opportunity Listening Session. Attached are the PowerPoint slides from the presentation, in pdf format.

 We appreciate your feedback at the session, and want to remind you that you can add additional public comment online at Digital Opportunity Plan Public Comment - Formstack or by mailing written comments to me at the address below, until Friday, September 29th, 2023.

 Thank you for your participation in the making of Minnesota’s draft Digital Opportunity Plan.


 Megan Moudry

Digital Equity Grants Administrator

Department of Employment and Economic Development
180 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101

Direct: 651-259-7677 | Twitter | Facebook

DEED acknowledges that all our locations stand on the land of the Dakota and Anishinaabe people. We honor the history of this land, the Native people who were here before us and who are still here today. We commit to learn and appreciate the rich culture of Native people and pledge to support Native communities and uplift their history.


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Presentation Slides From September 6. 2023 Meeting 




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Draft Digital Opportunity Plan



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Breakout of Plan Sections


Adults over 60 




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Minoritized Racial and Ethnic Groups 




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Site Information
Project Phase Definitions
The following defines the various project phases:
  1. Available - a product, program or service is in production
  2. Develop - program or application is being developed
  3. Plan - idea is solid, stakeholders are identified, and there is strong commitment to go forward from all parties.
  4. Concept Phase - idea scoped out with enough details to give an early sizing and/or to build a proof of concept
  5. Pre-concept Phase - an early idea or a requirement.
About Beam
  • For the commercial sector, we tend to register startup activities (new companies and new commercial projects) that bring diversification and high-impact opportunities to the area.
  • For the non-profit sector, we wish to shine light on all the organizations and services that otherwise labor under relative obscurity.
  • Our hope is that will encourage cross-sector collaborations and creative solutions.

While there are a number of registries in the community,'s  distinct value is to pilot a database with a data structure and categorizations that answer the questions such as: What organizations or projects/programs in our community that have purported relevance with some of the over-arching focuses put forward by initiatives such as DMC, J2G and Health Improvements?

This database could be used as one of the ways to explore the capacities of the community. If you are someone on an exploratory journey to learn about the greater Rochester community. could be an interesting first step.

Links to Beam sub-sites 
Sample of Beam sub-sites: